
By: Toni Morrison

Morrison’s now widely circulated response to a once prominent white American television figure (since turfed) when he asked her how she dealt with racism.

By: Dr. Kenneth Hardy

Dr. Hardy explores our legacies & subsequent wounds of oppression, skills & commitments leaders can take to address & begin to put practices & policies into place that heal more & harm...

A Film by Lee Mun Wah

The Color of Fear is an insightful, groundbreaking film about the state of race relations in America as seen through the eyes of eight North American men of Asian, European, Latino and African descent.

By: Dr. Robin DiAngelo

Dr. Robin DiAngelo, author of “White Fragility,” has been an anti-racist educator for over two decades.

With Jacqueline Battalora and Michael Kilman

Brought to you by the White Fragility and Whiteness as a Trauma Response Webinar with Dr. Jacqueline Battalora and Michael Kilman.

By: Dr. Kenneth Hardy, Networker Symposium keynote

In this highlight from his keynote, Dr. Hardy makes a call to therapists everywhere: even if you don’t interact with clients of color much in your job, make allyship a part of your larger life’s...

By: Dr. Kenneth Hardy

These tasks can serve as good “group rules” in a conversation about race and prevent microaggressions in the process of having that conversation.

A Film by Lee Mun Wah

Last Chance for Eden is a documentary about nine men and women discussing the issues of racism and sexism in the workplace – and the differences & similarities between the two.

Directed by: Christine Herbes-Sommers, Tracy Heather Strain, and Llewellyn Smith

Millions of people have used this 3-part documentary series to scrutinize their own deep-seated beliefs about the idea of race, and explore how our social divisions are not inevitable but made.
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